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Am Ende des Tages

Am Ende des Tages
Drama, Österreich 2011

Während Robert (Simon Schwarz) es als Politiker geschafft hat und mit seiner schwangeren Frau Katharina (Anna Unterberger) in ein romantisches Wochenende nach Tirol fahren will, werden die beiden von Roberts Jugendfreund Wolfgang (Nicholas Ofczarek) nach allen Regeln der Kunst verfolgt. Ein dunkler Fleck in der Vergangenheit scheint die beiden schicksalhaft zu verbinden und Katharina werden zusehends die Augen über ihren aufstrebenden Mann geöffnet. Der Ausflug wird zur Tour de force, am Ende des Tages ist alles möglich... Quelle: Webseite ( Right before the busiest phase of the elections, young politician Robert and his three-months-pregnant wife Katharina just want to spend a weekend together. Almost immediately after they depart for their cottage in the Tyrolian Alps, they realize that they are being followed. The stalker reveals himself to be Wolfgang, an 'old friend' of Robert's. Wolfgang does not just want to chat about old times: a dark secret from 23 years ago links the two of them. Wolfgang wants to get even, and therefore has decided to 'claim justice', to destroy his old friend's political career and life. As the three characters' drive towards the Tyrolian Alps, the story becomes a roller-coaster of guilt and revenge, secrets and lies. ''We sail with a corpse in the cargo'', when Henrik Ibsen wrote his famous line, he could have had our story in mind. 'Where is little Manuela?', written by Kai Hensel and directed by Austrian helmer Peter Payer, will be a 'kammerspiel' at high-speed, a thriller that leads right towards the ultimate psychological and physical abyss. Quelle: K5 Film

Länge92 Minuten
DarstellerAnna Unterberger, Simon Schwarz
RegiePeter Payer


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